My Story
Different people see me in different ways, or they see different fragments of who I am. Students see me as their professor. Acquaintances know me as a husband and father with a passion for aviation.
People who know me well understand that I’m a recovering alcoholic with more than two decades of sobriety. It’s the last part – staying sober – that makes the other parts possible.
I was unfortunate to have fallen prey to alcohol addiction in my teens and that affliction intensified in my early twenties. By the time I was 26, I was drinking myself into a blackout every day, and my personal and professional lives were in tatters. Bankruptcy was just around the corner, and death due to mishap was a matter of how soon, not if.
I made the best decision of my life on May 6, 1991, when I walked into my local hospital and checked myself into a detox program. They had a bed for me, as did a 28-day rehab program a few weeks later. They helped me get sober. Then I had to figure out how to stay that way. And to get better. A lot better. My solution was the Personal Sanity Index.